At Broten Garage Door Sales, we stock various garage door torsion springs to meet your specifications. We also offer experts repair and installation services backed by a lifetime parts warranty and three year labor warranty on springs

What Are Torsion Springs?

Garage door torsion springs are essential components that store the power required to open your garage door. A torsion spring twists along its axis to accumulate energy and then uncoils to release its tension, exerting a rotary force to open the door. This spring design allows you to lift heavier doors with minimum effort and less wear and tear on the part.

Torsion Springs

The Benefits of Torsion Springs

Torsion springs are a newer garage spring system and feature numerous benefits that extension springs lack. Torsion springs are:

  • Longer-Lasting: Since torsion springs consist of fewer parts than extension springs, they tend to last longer. Torsion springs also twist instead of stretching to generate torque, meaning the metal experiences less fatigue over time. Most torsion springs will last well over 5,000 cycles, translating to several years of use.
  • Smoother: Torsion springs also allow for a much smoother operation than extensions springs, offering greater balance and more control when moving. Extension springs create a jerky movement as the doors open, which increases the likelihood that the door will break or fall out of alignment.
  • Safer: Torsion springs are safer than extension springs, especially as they age. When extension springs break, they may break off from the garage door and injure anyone in the general vicinity. Torsion springs wrap around a central shaft so they won’t fly across your garage when they break.

How to Replace Torsion Springs

A broken torsion spring can cause a heavy garage door to fall suddenly and lead to serious injury. To maintain a safe and effective garage door system, you should replace your garage door torsion springs as soon as they show signs of fatigue or when they break. However, changing torsion springs can be dangerous, and no one should attempt it without the proper training.

If you need to install torsion spring replacements or want to replace your extension springs, you should hire a professional technician, like our experts at Broten Garage Door Sales. Replacing torsion springs can be dangerous if mishandled, but our qualified team has the experience and knowledge to replace your springs quickly and safely.

Quality Garage Door Torsion Springs for Sale at Broten

At Broten, we have over 60 years of experience providing residential and commercial garage owners in South Florida with the best parts, products, and services. We use our unsurpassed industry knowledge to offer exceptional customer care, and our team is on hand to answer any questions or make personalized recommendations. Get in touch online to learn more, or call a member of our team at 954-946-5555 today.

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